Tuesday, September 1, 2009




i must admit that yes i was touched and wept on my way home after dropping you off. and yes Yiruma was playing at the background. :)

thank you for believing in me constantly, and thank you for just being there at the right time and the right place, after so many times. i strongly believe that our meet up was not a coincidence. and just the thought of you being there all the time, brings tears to my eyes.

i know you'll still be here. and as you know me, i'll double up my effort to ensure that you know i'm here for you, and always will be. God Bless you my soul mate. as we've promised, we're both gonna double up our efforts this coming year, the time to rest is over, and it's really time to strike again, remember, it's all in your mind. We are what we think we are.

much appreciated,



Seaи Ooi 荣显 said...

who who who? haha.

VoNnE said...

who lai???siapa?

carmen said...

u find out who wrote that article ma know whos that loh, haha....